Regulatory and Licensing
We understand that businesses and licensed brokerages are regulated and maintained within strict laws in each jurisdiction / government body. Being able to assure clients of consumer protection, reliability, and security is an advantage of high value.
Turnkey Solutions
Enigmatig is one of the few international firms that specialises in turnkey solutions.
We are adept at handling the various steps of setting up a brokerage.
Blockchain Solutions
We deliver blockchain services and custom blockchain development that power real business transformations. Create new business tools based on revolutionary decentralised networks that change your industry forever. Create your own network and run your business distributed and secured.
Corporate Services
Providing an array of corporate services ranging from corporate restructuring, talent acquisition, overseas expansion, we help enhance operational capabilities and productivity for our clients

Our ServicesOur ServicesOur Services

The Best Solutions for Best

Corporate ServicesCorporate ServicesCorporate Services

Dealing in all Professional IT Services

We constantly keep up-to-date on the various needs and protocols when setting up a business – be it at home or in a foreign country. Providing an array of corporate services ranging from corporate restructuring, talent acquisition, outsourcing services, we help enhance operational capabilities and productivity for our clients. Our team will curate the right blend of solutions to help our clients achieve their ambitions to grow their businesses globally in an effective and efficient manner.

Turnkey SolutionsTurnkey SolutionsTurnkey Solutions

Turnkey Solutions Services

Enigmatig is one of the few international firms that specialises in turnkey solutions. We are adept at handling the various steps of setting up a brokerage. From advisory and implementation, to technological platform management and tie-ups with payment service providers, we build solutions specific to objectives.


Our Licensing Services

We understand that businesses and licensed brokerages are regulated and maintained within strict laws in each jurisdiction / government body. Being able to assure clients of consumer protection, reliability, and security is an advantage of high value. We offer a complete suite of solutions as well as strategic planning and counsel to help organisations achieve their goals and needs.

Corporate Services

Maintain proper secretarial records to ensure your company complies with its legal duties.
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Alternative Investment Licence

Alternative investments include private equity, hedge funds, commodities, derivatives contracts and real estate.
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Banking Licence

A legal prerequisite for a financial institution that wants to carry on a banking business.
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Insurance Licence

We provide three types of insurance licence, direct insurers, reinsurers, and captive insurers.
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Brokerage Licence

One of the few international consultancy firms that specialises in FX licensing services, DesFran has many years of experience in assisting brokers in achieving specific FX licences.
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Fund Licence

Mutual funds are a collective investment scheme in which the company raises and manages into capital markets products.
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Remittance Licence

One of the few international consultancy firms that specialises in FX licensing services, Enigmatig has many years of experience in assisting brokers in achieving specific FX licences.
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Company BenefitsCompany BenefitsCompany Benefits

Why You Should
Choose Us

There are many services we provide to meet all your business needs and goals.

15 Years Experience
About Our CompanyAbout Our CompanyAbout Our Company

We are Partner of Your Business

Founded in 2010, we are a business consultancy helping organisations achieve their global ambitions and achieving impactful results with our customised, integrated expertise in FX brokerage consultancy, regulatory and licensing as well as corporate services.

Corporate Services * Licenses * Turnkey Solutions * Regulatory * Company Formation and Incorporation


Our Milestone


Our Expertise

Executive TeamExecutive TeamExecutive Team

Meet Our Executive Team Member

Ryan Tay (Chief Operations Officer)

Ryan is the Chief Operations Officer at Enigmatig and is responsible for overseeing the APAC and Singapore operations team. Ryan brings with him over eight years of relevant industry experience and successfully overseen several company incorporations in various markets and jurisdictions. He also provides strategic counsel to clients on overall business processes to help maximise efficiencies.

Desmond Francis (Chief Executive Officer)

A serial entrepreneur and trusted advisor, Desmond founded Enigmatig in 2010 to help businesses across the wide spectrum of finance and investment fulfill their global ambitions. With more than a decade of experience in the financial markets, particularly forex and investment trading, Desmond has a proven record of helping businesses achieve measurable results and breakthroughs.

Teo Mingwen (Chief Finance Officer)

Having over 10 years of experience in the finance industry and helming roles involving cross-border regulatory requirements and FX-related sales, Mingwen has deep expertise in the fiscal landscape. He oversees the company’s capital structure and work in tandem with the other c-suites to optimise Enigmatig’s business across the Greater China region.

Our ClientsOur ClientsOur Clients

Our Clients

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Years of experience

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Major financial markets

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Financial institution

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Different types of global financial services

Our ValuesOur ValuesOur Values

Our Company Values

Proven MethodologyProven MethodologyProven Methodology

Our Proven Methodology

With more than 15 years of experience across 32 jurisdictions, our proven methodology is backed by our intelligence and network, local knowledge across jurisdictions, and deep experience in global financial services. We are with our clients every step of their journey to ensure they achieve their desired outcomes.









The Business Partners
Our LocationsOur LocationsOur Locations

Coworking Space Offices Around
The World